University of AZ Bookstore, Sunday, March 11, 4:00 pm: Moderated by Tom McNamara, KVOA-TV with Jane Baxter, PhD Manage Your Depression Through Exercise; Michele Hebert The Tenth Door: An Adventure Through the Jungles of Enlightenment & Amy Weintraub Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books) & Yoga Skills for Therapists (W.W. Norton, 2012)
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Amy will be leading morning yoga, afternoon meditations, a full Creativity Day workshop entitled “Yoga and Self-Inquiry,” along with a clinical presentation “Yoga for Self-Regulation.”
Sivananda Ashram, Bahamas, 866-446-5934. This is a certification training for yoga teachers and health professionals. Joining Amy as faculty are Dr. Shirley Telles, as well as LifeForce Yoga Practitioners -Level 2, who are highly trained yoga and/or mental health professionals. More information
In this two-part webinar, Amy will share some simple strategies anyone can adopt to balance mood and uplift emotions. Part 2 is May 3. This webinar will be available for download after May 3.
In this two-part webinar, Amy will share some simple strategies anyone can adopt to balance mood and uplift emotions. Part 2 is May 3. This webinar will be available for download after May 3.
5:30 - 6:45pm, Amy will offer simple yoga practices to manage your mood--no mat required! Free in the Rillito Room of the Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club. 4001 N Country Club Rd. Entrance to Rillito Room is free.
LifeForce Yoga interweaves the power of an ancient discipline with current scientific findings to help you release what’s no longer serving you—without a story attached! CEUs for Yoga Teachers.Esalen, 888-837-2536
Heaven Studio, 888.465.2726In this inspiring workshop, you will learn and practice breathing exercises, easy postures, guided meditations, and other effective yoga practices not regularly taught in yoga class for managing mood. CEUs for Yoga Teachers.
Learn and practice breathing exercises, easy postures, guided meditations, and other experiential yogic tools for managing your mood. CEUs for yoga teachers. Omega Institute, 877-944-2002.
Empower your clients to manage their mood through the wisdom of Yoga. Learn evidence-based practices appropriate for a clinical setting. No mat required! Cape Cod Institute, 888-394-9293 CEUs for mental health professionals, nurses, yoga teachers.
Be more than your mood with Yoga. Learn timeless Yoga practices not regularly taught in classes to access your wholeness. CEUs for Yoga Teachers. Princeton Center for Yoga and Health, 609-924-7294
Enjoy yoga practices to release whatever blocks you from remembering who you truly are. Improve your mood and welcome ease into your life. Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville, 800-858-9642 CEUs for Yoga Teachers.
Amy will be leading LifeForce Yoga morning classes, afternoon meditations, and teaching a meditation workshop at the annual Internal Family Systems Conference. CEUs for health professionals and yoga teachers.
Workshop for Professionals - Yogic Strategies to Improve Mood, Soothe Anxiety and Reduce Trauma Reactivity appropriate for a clinical setting - with Liz Brenner. LICSW, LFYP-2 & Laura Orth, LICSW, LFYP-2. CEUs for mental health professionals.