Desert Resemptorist Renewal Center, 520-349-2644.This is a certification training for yoga teachers and health professionals. Learn and practice simple Yoga tools to empower your clients and students to manage their moods. Amy will be assisted by LifeForce Yoga Practitioners, both Yoga and mental health professionals. If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact Rose Kress,...
University of AZ Bookstore, Sunday, March 11, 4:00 pm: Moderated by Tom McNamara, KVOA-TV with Jane Baxter, PhD Manage Your Depression Through Exercise; Michele Hebert The Tenth Door: An Adventure Through the Jungles of Enlightenment & Amy Weintraub Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books) & Yoga Skills for Therapists (W.W. Norton, 2012)
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Amy will be leading morning yoga, afternoon meditations, a full Creativity Day workshop entitled “Yoga and Self-Inquiry,” along with a clinical presentation “Yoga for Self-Regulation.”