From Darkness to Light to Darkness Again: How Devotion to Guru Can Help and Harm

In the East, aligning oneself with a teacher has long been a venerated devotional path towards realizing one’s full potential. The word “guru” means “from darkness to light.” Devotion to a guru, it is believed, can awaken the heart, moving the devotee from the darkness of ignorance (avidya) to the light of knowledge and love, which in many Yogic traditions are one and the same. A story is often told in Yogic traditions: A farmer is desperate for water so he begins to dig a well. He digs a hole deep enough to peer inside—no water. So he digs another hole and another, and pretty soon his property is filled with shallow holes. His neighbor meanwhile has dug one hole deep beneath the surface of the earth. He has penetrated the water table and quenched his thirst. I have heard this tale repeated by several spiritual masters. It is told to illustrate the importance of aligning oneself with one spiritual tradition, following one teacher, maintaining, as it were, spiritual monogamy.

For devotional, heart-centered yoga prationers (bhakti yogis), surrender to the guru can be a metaphorical expression of the devotee’s inner embrace of the Divine. For those devoted to a guru, there are three significant aspects that have the potential to promote emotional healing. First, from a Western psychological level, there is the opportunity for change through the relationship itself. The love of the Guru, even a male guru, “is seen as the manifestation of the Shakti or the divine Mother” says author yogi Stephen Cope. (Yoga and the Quest for the True Self). Much like the transference that develops in a therapeutic relationship between therapist and patient, the guru-disciple relationship can provide fertile ground for healing. The wounds we sustained in our earliest relationships with our primary caregivers have the potential to be healed in this new “mothering” relationship. The Guru becomes a loving guide, providing a safe harbor in which the devotee may be able to work through the relationship difficulties he has had in the past.

Second, the loving connection to the guru can be the vehicle to loving the divinity within the self, the true inner sat guru (Sat means truth.). The love one feels for an idealized being such as a guru, who may or may not be enlightened, opens the heart to unconditional love, to the love of the divine. “Yogis developed an entire science of relationship,” says Stephen Cope. “The relationship with a beloved teacher (guru) became the doorway to the most profound relationship with the beloved—God in her many guises and forms.”

And thirdly, the idealized guru models an enlightened way of functioning in the world, towards which the disciple grows. Sitting with an enlightened master is like having a highly polished mirror held before us. First, we see ourselves more clearly. In the guru’s expansive and radiant light our pettiness or small intentions are reflected back to us. And in the guru’s limitless compassion and unconditional love, we begin to see our potential.

The Guru path is, of course, mined with explosives that have the potential to damage as easily as heal. The first factor is the character and trustworthiness of the teacher. Countless devotees in a number of traditions have had their trust betrayed by teachers who did not live according to the principles they espoused. The second potential problem in the guru-disciple relationship, is the same dilemma we face in every vertical relationship where we give one person, be it minister, teacher or therapist, authority: does the unequal nature of such a relationship foster dependency? A wise teacher cautions his students to look to their own inner wisdom and not to him for answers to their life’s questions. Time and again, such a teacher will shake off the power the student tries to give him. And yet, those of us with co-dependent tendencies may too easily hand over our power to a charismatic teacher.

But devotion does not need to be channeled through a guru. The former Oxford don and passionate seeker Andrew Harvey was once on a guru path. He’s an example of someone whose devotional nature found a channel to the divine through his guru, and then developed a more direct means of access. The Bhagavad Gita describes three yogic paths to enlightenment and Andrew Harvey, in my opinion, walks all three. He is a true bhakti (devotional), jnana (intellectual) and karma (selfless service) yogi, who is making a difference in the world. He met Mother Meera in 1978, and through the eighties his devotion to her manifested itself in books dedicated to or about her. However, he says that when he asked for her blessing of his loving commitment to his beloved Eryk, not only would she not give it, but she asked him to dump Eryk and change his sexual orientation for love of her. He was deeply wounded and set adrift, yet he found his own way, as a bhakti yogi, through loss and devastation, back to the divine, without the mediation of a guru. Through chanting, prayer and adoration of the Divine Mother, Andrew has access to his wholeness, to his birthright as a human being born divine. In his writing and his teaching, he helps others access their own inherent and natural connection to the divine. No intermediary necessary.

In other articles, and in my book Yoga Skills for Therapists (W.W. Norton), I have discussed the danger of the “big stick” teacher for those of us, who, unlike children reared in loving families where the “village” raises the child, do not have a strong sense of identity. If you have been wounded early in life, and are still building your sense of “I belong here” and “I am enough,” be very careful about aligning with a guru who takes as his duty the breaking through of your ego. You may not yet have a sufficient sense of yourself to have that self cracked open. Be it a yoga teacher, guru, or therapist, find someone you can trust who is compassionate and accepts you as you are, not who he wants you to be.

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Excerpted from Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books).

About the Author

Amy Weintraub

Amy Weintraub E-RYT 500, MFA, YACEP, C-IAYT, founded the LifeForce Yoga® Healing Institute, which trains yoga and health professionals internationally, and is the author of Yoga for Depression and Yoga Skills for Therapists. The LifeForce Yoga protocol is used by health care providers worldwide. She is involved in ongoing research on the effects of yoga on mood.

One thought on “From Darkness to Light to Darkness Again: How Devotion to Guru Can Help and Harm”

  1. Debbie Sheetz says:

    What a beautiful summary of the guru path and a great guide to those considering this path or questioning it.

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“I began a fantasy during the meditation exercise... almost as if I’d been there. It’s now an on-going work of fiction.” — Serian Strauss, Tanzania
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“I integrate strategies like mantra tones and pranayama, but above all I invite myself and those I teach to cultivate svadhyaya, to practice self-observation without judgment.” — Barbara Sherman, RYT 200, LFYP, Tucson, AZ
“Yoga Skills for Therapists is the ideal resource for those who want to bring yoga practices into psychotherapy or healthcare. Weintraub, a leader in the field of yoga therapy, offers evidence-based, easy-to-introduce strategies for managing anxiety, improving mood, and relieving suffering. Helpful clinical insights and case examples emphasize safety, trust, and skillful adaptation to the individual, making it easy to apply the wisdom of yoga effectively in the therapeutic context.” — Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author, Yoga for Pain Relief, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy
“My patients can now have the same effects as many medications without having to actually take medication!” — Deborah Lubetkin, PSY.D, LFYP, West Caldwell, NJ
“My life is already changed! I will use the tools I learned in my own practice and in my work. I feel safe and seen.” — Susan Andrea Weiner, MA, teacher/expressive arts facilitator, El Cerrito, CA.
“I came hoping to learn to move past some of the obstacles blocking my creativity. Over the course of this weekend, I feel I’ve gained a certain measure of faith in myself and in my ability to change. I also had some realizations that I believe will be very helpful to me. I feel encouraged. Both the content and presentation of this program were so well-thought out that I can’t think of any way to improve it.” — Andrea Gollin, writer & editor, Miami, FL
“I have gained a softer heart, more receptive mind, and tools to enrich both personal and professional aspects of my life.” – Regina Trailweaver, LICSW, clinical social worker, Hancock, VT.
“A client who returned said, "When I came before, you helped me understand and get where I wanted to go. Now you show me yoga practices I use to help myself understand and get where I want to go.” — Sherry Rubin, LCSW, BCD, LFYP, Downingtown, PA
“I have gained an incredible opening and clearing of old obstructions. I hope to return to my life and fill this opening with things I love to do and that give me joy!” — Lisa Shine, administrative assistant, Ballston Lake, NY
“This program changed my life in a significant way. It helped me connect with the spirit which is something you can’t get from psychotherapy and medication.” – G. W., artist, Pittsburgh, PA
“I gained perspective of who I am in the world and this will change my life significantly.” — Mary Ford, artist, Southport, CT
“I have found the LFYP training to be incredibly useful in giving people specific tools to use in maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, and further opening their intuitive abilities.” — Nancy Windheart, RYT-200, LFYP, Reiki Master, Animal communication teacher, Prescott, AZ
“My personal practice will change, as well as my yoga classes. I have a better understanding of yoga!” — Andrea Gattuso, RYT, Yoga Teacher, Hackettstown, N.J.
“I have found the pranayama (breathing practices) especially easy to introduce in a clinical setting. Some people have benefited quickly in unexpected and transformative ways.” — Liz Brenner, LICSW, LFYP, Watertown, MA
“This workshop helped me rededicate my energies and begin to work through some of the blocks I’ve felt creatively.” — Steve Mark, college professor, New Haven, CT
“I have been reminded that I am not on this path alone, that others are sharing the journey that sometimes seems so difficult. I have also been reminded of the importance of daily practice and I will do that. The whole program has been an incredible experience for me. Thank you!” — Lorraine Plauth, retired teacher, Voorheesville, NY
“This workshop has changed so much — my self-image and my life. My own heart’s desire is 100% clear. I gained tools to help myself and others to live life fully.” — Marcia Siegel, Yoga teacher, therapist, Carlsbad, CA.
“I learned lots of ways to reduce the anxiety and depression of my patients and myself.” – Aviva Sinvany-Nubel, PhD, APN, CNSC, RN, psychotherapist, Bridgewater, N.J.
I absolutely love this stuff! I have been using it with my clients and I am just finding it to be so incredibly helpful. There seriously something for everything. Although I am not as skilled as I hope to be someday, even at my level of training I’m finding that I am beginning to figure out what to do. It just blows my mind! - Christine Brudnicki, MS, LPC
“I feel profoundly transformed, both physically and emotionally. The connection between mind, body and spirit was clearly evident to me, but revealed to me through this workshop as an integrally vital link to overall health.” — Nadine Richardson, program manager at rehab agency, Monroe, CT
“Giving my clients a strategy and permission to quiet their minds and rebalance the sympathetic nervous system has been very beneficial to them and in our work together.” — Sue Dilsworth, PhD, RYT 200, LFYP, Allendale, MI
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