Manage Your Mood with LifeForce Yoga. Come home to the joy that is your birthright as Amy guides you through practices to clear the space and let your radiant self shine. Learn yogic tools to manage depression and anxiety. Kripalu Center, 800-741-7353
This 2-hour workshop will include research on Yoga & the mood, and will move through a full LifeForce Yoga class that includes Bhavana (visualization), Pranayama (breath practices), Asana (physical postures),...
Sivananda Ashram, 866-466-5934, This Experiential workshop is open to all with Yoga experience. Take this program for your own self-care. If you are a health professional or yoga teacher, this can be taken as Part A of a 3-Part certification course to become a LifeForce Yoga Practitioner. CEUs for mental health professionals and yoga teachers.