LFYP News Issue 19

Dearest LFYPs-

Here at LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute in Tucson, we have been hard at work with trainings, workshops, updates to manuals and new articles, and based on your correspondence and Facebook posts, you’ve been working hard too. We think of you often and hope that you are all thriving. There are a number of updates that we have to share, so please read through this message for important resources and information that can directly affect your status as a LifeForce Yoga Practitioner.  LFYP-2 and Mentor Kathy Shafer is facing a health crisis and could use our support, so please read on.

Direction of LifeForce Yoga

Amy would like to reduce her travel. It is her wish that LifeForce Yoga continues and even grows–that it’s not so much about her but about you and what you are doing in your classes, workshops, consultation rooms and on your own mat. We are working hard to share LifeForce Yoga with the world. To that end, we want to help you share LFY as much as possible. There are blog posts, research pages, Facebook posts, tweets, a new resource page, etc. After the July training, there will be even more tools to aid you. If there is something that you feel would help you share LFY with you clients, students, and community, please let Rose know, rose@yogafordepression.com.

LifeForce Yoga Resources – New Page

We have created a new LFYP page dedicated to resources for your teaching and therapy practice. http://yogafordepression.com/lfyp/lfyp-resources/
Below are just a couple of items on the page:

Thanks to the hard work of Lucy Pirner, LFYP-1 redtwigyoga@gmail.com, and Diane Steele, artist and LFY friend www.dianesteele.com, we now have posters and banners that you can use in your LifeForce Yoga practice.

Lucy Pirner created two posters that can be printed out as size 18×24 and laminated. One has the commonly used LFY mantras. The other poster has the chakra mantras and a visual of the chakras. We took these to Office Max and had them printed and laminated for a total cost of $29.04 before tax. If you choose to use Office Max, ask for “economy bond” paper.

Diane Steele has created a beautifully designed cloth banner. One side has the energizing and cooling tones and the other side has colorful mandalas for the chakras. These banners are great for hanging in your office, practice space, even bringing to classes, and workshops. If you attend a workshop with Amy in the future, you will see it on display.

LifeForce Yoga on Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to get information out to the general public, but we need your help! After investing time and energy into a Facebook page, Facebook has changed the rules of the game. Our posts, designed to educate the public on how yoga, LFY in particular, can support them with new research and practices are no longer being seen by the people who like our page. In addition, you may be no longer be seeing posts from us or from each other on your newsfeed that art posted on our LFY Practitioners Group page. To help us help you, please visit www.facebook.com/LifeForceYoga and comment on a post and share it on your page.

Please remember that we have the LifeForce Yoga Practitioners Group on Facebook. We only have 215 members, which means that there is a 60% chance you are not in the group. You can search for it, or send a friend request to Rose (www.facebook.com/yoginirose) and she will add you to the group. If you tuned in this weekend, Ana Maria Sierra, PhD, RYT200, LFYP-2,  dr.anamsierra@gmail.com, posted many pictures of SYTAR. Kathy Shafer, PhD, RYT500, LFYP-2 and Mentor,  followed the posts and said it was almost like being there. Ana also shared many pictures from the Level 2 training with the LFYP Group.

You can also find us on Twitter, @LifeForceYoga. Blog posts are tweeted, but you can also start using #lifeforceyoga


Our own LFYP-2 Susan Tebb, PhD, worked hard on the Accreditation committee of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (here’s the link to join, if you’re not already a member: www.iayt.org) and continues to serve as the first 800-hour schools are being accredited. When you join, make sure that you list LifeForce Yoga as an influencing school.

As a Specialty School, we are proud to say that the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute is currently an elective and/or module in four 800-hour yoga therapy trainings, including the Inner Peace Yoga Therapy Training, Integrated Health Yoga Therapy, Soul of Yoga, and Integrative Yoga Therapy. Congratulations to Inner Peace Yoga Therapy and Michele Lawrence, as IPYT received its accreditation in a ceremony on Saturday night. Eventually, the IAYT accreditation committee will develop guidelines for the Specialty Schools, and we intend to be sure that LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute will be a part of that process.

Kathy Shafer

Some of you know LifeForce Yoga Mentor Kathy Shafer, Ph.D., LCSW, ACSW, CAP, ERYT-500, CPT, LFYP-2, recently had a double mastectomy and is undergoing chemotherapy now and then radiation in August. During this time, she is cutting back on her hours with clients, and her income has been reduced.  Our LFY Research Director, Susan Tebb, LSW, PhD, LFYP-2 and Amy are organizing a fundraising campaign for Kathy’s follow-up to her cancer treatment. She has spent the required 5K deductible out of her savings, and her insurance is now covering her current Western medical treatment costs. But we would like to enable her to go to Commonweal in Bolinas, CA, or to a special healing program for cancer survivors in India, to help her recover from the aggressive treatment she is undergoing now. We need to raise at least 5 K to support her healing not only from cancer but from the toxins used to treat it.
Here’s how you can help:

  1. Donate money through PayPal www.paypal.com.  Make sure it goes to kathy@drshafer.org, which will link your donation to her bank account. It is free to give a gift via PayPal. Make sure that you select the gift option when sending. If you have never given a gift through PayPal, follow these directions:
    Send to: kathy@drshafer.org
  2. If you would prefer, you can send a check to Kathy Shafer, 351 South US Highway One, Suite 100, Jupiter FL,  33477

Meanwhile continue prayers. At this point, please have questions about her care come through me (Amy) or Sue tebbsc@slu.edu, so she doesn’t have to answer a lot of mail.

Level 2 LFYP Training at Yogaville, April 13 – 20, 2015Amy Coaching

Level 2 continues training in the Yogic strategies for balancing mood, with more practice teaching. The emphasis here is working one-on-one and leading workshops. Level 2 will focus on developing skill levels in assessing, teaching and working with students and clients in groups and individually to facilitate and empower them to manage their moods with yogic principles, practices, and strategies.

In this course, you will actively lead, with script in hand, what you may only have experienced in Level 1. Ancient yogic practices will be considered in the light of current research in the field of yoga and mental health. There will be many opportunities to practice, in small groups and one-on-one, the many yogic strategies covered in both the Level 1 and 2 Trainings.

CenteringEach day begins with a deep LifeForce Yoga Practice led by Amy or Rose. We will have two daytime sessions and some evenings, where each practitioner will share her or his use of LifeForce Yoga strategies in their work. You will dive more deeply into the techniques from Level 1 with a new manual that includes scripts for practices and processes – including Yoga Nidra, Therapeutic Long Holding and Say Yes to Yourself. Practitioners will experience one-on-one coaching from Amy and Rose. LFYP-2s will leave feeling empowered in their work with others and a many more tools at their disposal.

Your own personal practice will deepen. Each practitioner will walk away with a greater sense of connection, to Self, as well as to the sangha of LifeForce Yoga Practitioners. We hope that you will join us in April!


If you took your LFYP training AFTER January 2014, you will need to complete three mentoring sessions to receive your LFYP-1 Certification. If you have not started your mentoring sessions, we highly suggest that you start as soon as possible. Mentoring is a wonderful way to deepen your confidence in using the LFY tools.

If you took your LFYP training BEFORE December 2013, you will need to complete three mentoring session to attend the Level 2 Training.

Forms for mentoring sessions can be found here: yogafordepression.com/lfyp/#mentoring-forms
Please note, you will need login and password information:
http://yogafordepression.com/lfyp/ (please note that there is no “www” in this link): please see your manual for the password

Continuing Education

With the upgrade in certification standards and the increase in referrals, we want to be sure that everyone listed on the website is current with the LFY practices and procedures. Therefore, in order to maintain your listing as an LFYP on our website:

  • Download the revised manual every year by February 15th. (It’s free) – The manual can be found here: http://yogafordepression.com/lfyp/, please see your manual for the password
  • Take 12 hours of continuing education in LifeForce Yoga by December, 2014. This is required every two years.

Options for taking your 12 hours CEs:

  • Attend a LFY program
  • Assist a LFY program
  • Take advantage of the online webinar series
  • Mentoring sessions
  • More options may be provided in the future

Congratulations to Our Most Recent Trainees

Completed Level 2 Training May 2014
  • level-two-tucson (2)Debra Andersen
  • Marcela Igelesias
  • Ocean Lum
  • Linda Mackay
  • Allie Middleton
  • Dana Mildebrath
  • SC Nameth
  • Lori Popeski
  • Ana Maria Sierra
  • Nadia Siswanto
  • Mary Somers
  • Jennifer Whitcher
Completed Level 2 Training Yogaville 2013
  • Cleo and Sivananda 055 (2)Melanie De Marchena
  • Lonnie DeSorcy
  • Peg Duros
  • Becky Eades
  • Laurie Hunt
  • Susan Kaplans
  • Kat Larsen
  • Charlotte Lorentson
  • Mary Noone
  • Marcia Siegel
  • Laurie Thorner
 Completed Level 1 Training Yogavile 2014
  • yogaville-gradsKaren Gibbons
  • Andrea Hernandez
  • Christine Yogalaxmi Kenton
  • Susan Lazarus
  • Katie Losier
  • Stacy Satya Lynn
  • Dorys Devikamala Massant
  • Heather Monson-James
  • Nancy Neves
  • Pedro Perez Cabezas
  • Keren Remington
  • Bryce Rogow
  • Lisa Schutz
  • Bonita Showalter
  • Michele Simo
  • Catherine Smithson
Completed Level 1 Training January 2014
  • Pati Anderson
  • Debra Anderson
  • Lexy Cann
  • Janis Cooper
  • Vassoulla Demetriou
  • Julie Diefe
  • Valerie Dionne
  • Level 1 Tuc 2014Karen Elbert
  • Deirdre Fay
  • Twyla Gingrich
  • Karen Goodridge
  • Tiffany Goyer
  • Marian Johnson
  • Guinn Kappler
  • Julie Kiddoo
  • Hunter Mahon
  • Gloria Martin
  • Leigh Miller
  • Becky Moreno
  • Linda Padgett
  • Beth Rogerson
  • Jane Root
  • Kim Sherman
  • Deborah Shurtleff
  • Rivka Simmons
  • Pramila Sinha
  • Kimberly Skavaril
  • Alicia Smith
  • Sandra Smith
  • Mary Somers
  • Connie Stultz
  • Mari Tankenoff
  • Nichole Webb
  • Geraldine Wu
Completed Level 1 Training Kripalu 2013
  • Sharon Austin
  • Theresa Barnett
  • Kripalu 135Leah Besen Vasquez
  • Judith Brown
  • Alison Buckman
  • Olga Campora
  • Allison Carey
  • Anita Carter
  • Jeanne Catanzaro
  • Rivka Cilley
  • Jennifer Conte
  • Jennifer Cook
  • Teresa Corbin
  • Barbara Fasulo
  • Rita Foegen
  • Cecilia Fowler
  • Megan Germain
  • Robin Glantz
  • Elise Gonzalez
  • Rachel Griffin
  • Anita Hughes
  • Eileen Kinkelaar
  • Sylvia Lanier
  • Joey Letwin
  • Jennifer Mast
  • Jule Michel
  • Caelin Nadin
  • Caroline Pearson
  • Amanda Pease
  • Phyllis Pomerleau
  • Mary Robinson
  • Kristen Shantz
  • Nancy Sharp
  • Sarah Sheets
  • Susan Siep
  • Rosangela Silva
  • Tara Simpson
  • Sharon Singh
  • Nadia Siswanto
  • Judy Thompson
  • Janice Turner
  • Elizabeth Wellington
  • Jennifer Whitcher
  • Mary Wilder
  • Rebecca Young
  • Gita Gry Zakariassen
Completed Level 1 Training Yogaville 2013
  • Lauren Anderson
  • Maria Becke
  • Stacey Bryan
  • Robin Carnes
  • Lara Conley
  • Yogaville Level 1 059 (2)Anne K. Cooper
  • Debra Dalby
  • Sarah Duffley
  • Colleen Dwyer
  • Cynthia Elledge
  • Sandra Ki
  • Elena Kyrgos
  • Emily Lape
  • Terri Leasor
  • Jennifer Leyton-Armakan
  • Allison Mesnard
  • Rebekah Montgomery
  • Heather L. Morgado
  • Julie Orme
  • Jo Ann Orr
  • Elyse Overdyk
  • Susan Reynolds
  • Beate Rose
  • Mary Kay Rose
  • Jolene Ryan
  • Rickie Simpson
  • Lindy Swimm
  • Jude Szypa
  • Carter S. Townsend
  • Almendra Valdez
  • Jean F. Younger
Completed Level 1 Training Tucson 2013
  • Heather Barnes
  • Gail Braverman
  • Cynthia Brown
  • Kathleen Burr
  • Kim Cooke
  • group pictureCharisse Crisci
  • Lonnie DeSorcy
  • Becky Eades
  • Elena Espalin
  • Maureen Guelzow
  • Lisa Haake
  • Michele Hausman
  • Gail Hockert
  • Anna Lee Hoodem
  • Laurie Howe
  • Leslie Jensby
  • Jane Kosloff
  • Ocean Lum
  • Linda Mackay
  • Geeti Mahajan
  • Allie Middleton
  • Aly Moore
  • Bonita Morgan
  • SC Nameth
  • Stina Oravec
  • Karen Persinger
  • Lori Popeski
  • Evy Rodne-Cole
  • Corey Roos
  • Liz Rozum
  • Tricia Wolanin

Very good, very good, YAY!

with a full heart and a loving namasté.

Amy & Rose

About the Author

Amy Weintraub

Amy Weintraub E-RYT 500, MFA, YACEP, C-IAYT, founded the LifeForce Yoga® Healing Institute, which trains yoga and health professionals internationally, and is the author of Yoga for Depression and Yoga Skills for Therapists. The LifeForce Yoga protocol is used by health care providers worldwide. She is involved in ongoing research on the effects of yoga on mood.

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What People Say

“I gained perspective of who I am in the world and this will change my life significantly.” — Mary Ford, artist, Southport, CT
“I came hoping to learn to move past some of the obstacles blocking my creativity. Over the course of this weekend, I feel I’ve gained a certain measure of faith in myself and in my ability to change. I also had some realizations that I believe will be very helpful to me. I feel encouraged. Both the content and presentation of this program were so well-thought out that I can’t think of any way to improve it.” — Andrea Gollin, writer & editor, Miami, FL
“My patients can now have the same effects as many medications without having to actually take medication!” — Deborah Lubetkin, PSY.D, LFYP, West Caldwell, NJ
“This program changed my life in a significant way. It helped me connect with the spirit which is something you can’t get from psychotherapy and medication.” – G. W., artist, Pittsburgh, PA
“This workshop has changed so much — my self-image and my life. My own heart’s desire is 100% clear. I gained tools to help myself and others to live life fully.” — Marcia Siegel, Yoga teacher, therapist, Carlsbad, CA.
“I have been reminded that I am not on this path alone, that others are sharing the journey that sometimes seems so difficult. I have also been reminded of the importance of daily practice and I will do that. The whole program has been an incredible experience for me. Thank you!” — Lorraine Plauth, retired teacher, Voorheesville, NY
“A client who returned said, "When I came before, you helped me understand and get where I wanted to go. Now you show me yoga practices I use to help myself understand and get where I want to go.” — Sherry Rubin, LCSW, BCD, LFYP, Downingtown, PA
“My life is already changed! I will use the tools I learned in my own practice and in my work. I feel safe and seen.” — Susan Andrea Weiner, MA, teacher/expressive arts facilitator, El Cerrito, CA.
I absolutely love this stuff! I have been using it with my clients and I am just finding it to be so incredibly helpful. There seriously something for everything. Although I am not as skilled as I hope to be someday, even at my level of training I’m finding that I am beginning to figure out what to do. It just blows my mind! - Christine Brudnicki, MS, LPC
“Words do not do justice to all that I learned. This workshop changed my life!” — Jen Nolan, Teacher, Cortland, NY
“This workshop helped me rededicate my energies and begin to work through some of the blocks I’ve felt creatively.” — Steve Mark, college professor, New Haven, CT
“I began a fantasy during the meditation exercise... almost as if I’d been there. It’s now an on-going work of fiction.” — Serian Strauss, Tanzania
“I feel profoundly transformed, both physically and emotionally. The connection between mind, body and spirit was clearly evident to me, but revealed to me through this workshop as an integrally vital link to overall health.” — Nadine Richardson, program manager at rehab agency, Monroe, CT
“I integrate strategies like mantra tones and pranayama, but above all I invite myself and those I teach to cultivate svadhyaya, to practice self-observation without judgment.” — Barbara Sherman, RYT 200, LFYP, Tucson, AZ
“I utilize the LFY techniques in both a class room setting and one-on-one environment. The skills have infused my teachings with compassion, mindfulness, and awareness.” — Kat Larsen, CYT, LFYP
“Giving my clients a strategy and permission to quiet their minds and rebalance the sympathetic nervous system has been very beneficial to them and in our work together.” — Sue Dilsworth, PhD, RYT 200, LFYP, Allendale, MI
“I learned lots of ways to reduce the anxiety and depression of my patients and myself.” – Aviva Sinvany-Nubel, PhD, APN, CNSC, RN, psychotherapist, Bridgewater, N.J.
“I have gained an incredible opening and clearing of old obstructions. I hope to return to my life and fill this opening with things I love to do and that give me joy!” — Lisa Shine, administrative assistant, Ballston Lake, NY
“I have gained a softer heart, more receptive mind, and tools to enrich both personal and professional aspects of my life.” – Regina Trailweaver, LICSW, clinical social worker, Hancock, VT.
“Yoga Skills for Therapists is the ideal resource for those who want to bring yoga practices into psychotherapy or healthcare. Weintraub, a leader in the field of yoga therapy, offers evidence-based, easy-to-introduce strategies for managing anxiety, improving mood, and relieving suffering. Helpful clinical insights and case examples emphasize safety, trust, and skillful adaptation to the individual, making it easy to apply the wisdom of yoga effectively in the therapeutic context.” — Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author, Yoga for Pain Relief, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy
“I have found the pranayama (breathing practices) especially easy to introduce in a clinical setting. Some people have benefited quickly in unexpected and transformative ways.” — Liz Brenner, LICSW, LFYP, Watertown, MA
“I have found the LFYP training to be incredibly useful in giving people specific tools to use in maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, and further opening their intuitive abilities.” — Nancy Windheart, RYT-200, LFYP, Reiki Master, Animal communication teacher, Prescott, AZ
“I gained tools for working with my own depression and with my clients’ depressions.” — Robert Sgona, LCSW, RYT, psychotherapist, Yoga teacher, Camden, ME.
“My personal practice will change, as well as my yoga classes. I have a better understanding of yoga!” — Andrea Gattuso, RYT, Yoga Teacher, Hackettstown, N.J.
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