LifeForce Yoga in Mental Health: Western vs. Eastern Approaches by Debbie Lubetkin, PhD

We would like to welcome guest blogger Deborah Lubetkin, Psy.D., RYT-200, LFYP Mentor.  Deborah is a Licensed Psychologist with a private practice in NJ for 18 years. She became certified as a LifeForce Yoga practitioner, Level 1 in 2009, returning to complete her Level 2 certification in 2011. Deborah’s practice incorporates Eastern philosophy with the challenges of Western living to create a forum for her patients to develop an integrative plan to address a wide variety of mood related imbalances. Visit Deborah’s website at:


LifeForce Yoga is about meeting the mood as it arises, and it is an approach that de-pathologies mood states and works toward helping our clients to develop a compassionate, non-judgmental self-appraisal.

So how can we find a way to help our clients meet their mood, while at the same time taking care to fully understand their specific symptoms and the way mood expresses itself within their mind and body?

We do need organizing frameworks to help define mood symptoms in order to safely treat our clients, whether we are Yoga Teachers or Mental Health Practitioners (MHP). We cannot delve into the mind or the body of our clients without first doing a careful and comprehensive assessment of mood. In this article, we will look at the Western and Eastern approaches to the understanding and classification of mood.

With that said, all Yogic approaches begin with the understanding that imbalances occur as a natural part of life, and we work to regulate these imbalances through the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda. Healing comes from the inside, and resources needed for healing are innate-we have all that we need. In Yoga and Ayurveda, we measure our state of being on a spectrum, divided into 3 dimensions. Our anxious states are known as rajasic states, and our slower and at times depressed energy states are known as tamasic states. A balanced state is called the sattvic state. As LifeForce Yoga Practitioners, our goal is to help our clients achieve this balanced, sattvic state.

Amy and DebbieAssessment – Yoga Model
From a yoga perspective, we can do an assessment of our clients by observing how they are functioning at each level of their existence—physical, energetic, emotional, mental and their sense of connectedness or bliss. In yoga, this is the kosha model. We might ask ourselves, for instance, at which of the five layers (Koshas/sheaths) does a client show their symptoms, and how can we help that client awaken to the presence of equanimity and bliss in each layer? Each layer informs and is informed by all the others, so when the Koshas are out of alignment, energy stagnates and symptoms erupt. When they are in alignment we experience life more authentically as what we think, feel, say and do are consistently manifested.

Here are the Koshas and the practices that most bring them into balance:

Annamaya-physical body (supported by asana)

Pranamaya-breath body (supported by pranayama)

Manomaya-Thoughts/Feelings (supported by nondual self-inquiry, an exploration of polarities within the whole, focused concentration/meditation)

Vijnanamaya-Intuition/Wisdom (supported by meditation practices like chanting, mudra, mantra, and other meditation practices that cultivate witness consciousness and greater access to intuition)

Anandamaya-Soul/Bliss (supported by Tantric meditation practices, yoga nidra)

Assessment – Medical Model
The medical model is a problem-focused model, it views healing as coming from outside of ourselves, and the goal is to get rid of or compensate for a problem or symptom. Western approaches use Diagnostic Assessment for the primary purpose of 3rd party payment and, also to evaluate for medication. Insurance companies will not pay for services without a diagnosis code. The DSM-5 is the manual that lists all possible, recognized Diagnoses for the purposes of billing and medicating. Regarding medication, diagnosis is very important because, for example, one would not use medication for a depression related to uncomplicated grieving, which might look very similar to a Major Depression. You might say, well if I am not a MHP or physician/psychiatrist, why would I need to know this? I will share a case anecdote- a friend of mine was on medication for depression for several years. She then started to take Vinyasa yoga classes very intensely and became manic-one day I was talking to her on the phone and noticed racing speech and an inability to slow down and self-regulate. She was clearly out of balance and in an intense rajasic state. I suggested she speak to her prescribing physician about her symptoms and her yoga practice.  Fortunately for my friend, her doctor is an Integrative psychiatrist who understands how yoga affects the brain and mood. The Psychiatrist knew that the answer was to actually LOWER her SSRI to regulate her mood, where most Western Psychiatrists would likely have increased or changed her medication to control the mania.

The above is one good example of how the DSM helps with the issue we call Differential Diagnosis-for instance, how do we know if our clients have a Depression reactive to a loss versus a chronic depression that is Vajrapradama in the sunexacerbated by a loss? And what does it mean for treatment? The more we can be clear about our clients’ symptom constellations, the more we can guide them to meet the mood as it exists for them, and help them to create their own practice to achieve balance. Also, there is so much comorbidity (overlap) between diagnoses, that we are often dealing with more than one clear-cut diagnostic picture.

Be a Team Player
Issues of diagnosis are one of many wonderful reasons to develop integrative partnerships with professionals in your community. None of us knows it all or are equipped to manage issues outside the range of our expertise. In my practice, I have an extensive network of colleagues to whom I refer for everything from psychiatry to homeopathy, nutritionists, marital therapists, Reiki practitioners, and Ayurvedic practitioners. Imagine, for instance, what would have happened to my friend who became manic if her treating psychiatrist was not someone who understood the neurophysiological effects of yoga on the brain: Instead of recognizing that her manic symptoms were triggered by the additional neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine) being released from the yoga, she would most likely have been put on heavier medication, and may have even been hospitalized! Developing these relationships with supportive, like-minded colleagues is, for me, part of establishing a safe container, both for me as a clinician and for my patients. We are far too complex as human beings to have only one “magic bullet” treatment, be it yoga, psychotherapy or medication.  I have a commitment to the team approach.  Not only do I have my own therapist, but although I myself am a yoga teacher, I also maintain a list of yoga teachers from different schools of yoga to whom I can refer my patients and feel that I’ve made a good match.  I may also refer a client to an Ayurveda practitioner, and I continue to seek out clinical supervision and LifeForce Yoga mentoring. I can happily, and with a big breath say to myself, “I am not alone, and I don’t have to be the only specialist on this case.”

Here are some questions to ask yourself as a yoga or mental health professional integrating yoga into mental health treatment:

  • What is my own self-appraisal related to my own mood?
  • Do I have a daily practice to clear my koshas, so that I am open to supporting my clients without a personal agenda?
  • Who makes up my client population, and do I have the collegial support network to make necessary referrals?
  • What steps do I need to take to create a fully safe container for my own self-care and for that of my clients?

Let your own yoga practice remind you that we are not the body, we are not the mind, we are not the diagnosis!

Dr. Lubetkin is on the faculty for the LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training. This article is based on a section of the curriculum delivered by Dr. Lubetkin at Kripalu, 7/2013.


Breathe of JoyJoin Amy Weintraub and other esteemed faculty at the LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training in Tucson January 12-19, 2014 .   This is a certification training for yoga teachers and health professionals. Learn and practice simple Yoga tools to empower your clients and students to manage their moods. To learn more about the training and to register online please click here.

About the Author

Amy Weintraub

Amy Weintraub E-RYT 500, MFA, YACEP, C-IAYT, founded the LifeForce Yoga® Healing Institute, which trains yoga and health professionals internationally, and is the author of Yoga for Depression and Yoga Skills for Therapists. The LifeForce Yoga protocol is used by health care providers worldwide. She is involved in ongoing research on the effects of yoga on mood.

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What People Say

“I began a fantasy during the meditation exercise... almost as if I’d been there. It’s now an on-going work of fiction.” — Serian Strauss, Tanzania
“A client who returned said, "When I came before, you helped me understand and get where I wanted to go. Now you show me yoga practices I use to help myself understand and get where I want to go.” — Sherry Rubin, LCSW, BCD, LFYP, Downingtown, PA
“I gained perspective of who I am in the world and this will change my life significantly.” — Mary Ford, artist, Southport, CT
“My patients can now have the same effects as many medications without having to actually take medication!” — Deborah Lubetkin, PSY.D, LFYP, West Caldwell, NJ
“I utilize the LFY techniques in both a class room setting and one-on-one environment. The skills have infused my teachings with compassion, mindfulness, and awareness.” — Kat Larsen, CYT, LFYP
“I have found the pranayama (breathing practices) especially easy to introduce in a clinical setting. Some people have benefited quickly in unexpected and transformative ways.” — Liz Brenner, LICSW, LFYP, Watertown, MA
“I have gained an incredible opening and clearing of old obstructions. I hope to return to my life and fill this opening with things I love to do and that give me joy!” — Lisa Shine, administrative assistant, Ballston Lake, NY
“I came hoping to learn to move past some of the obstacles blocking my creativity. Over the course of this weekend, I feel I’ve gained a certain measure of faith in myself and in my ability to change. I also had some realizations that I believe will be very helpful to me. I feel encouraged. Both the content and presentation of this program were so well-thought out that I can’t think of any way to improve it.” — Andrea Gollin, writer & editor, Miami, FL
“I have found the LFYP training to be incredibly useful in giving people specific tools to use in maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, and further opening their intuitive abilities.” — Nancy Windheart, RYT-200, LFYP, Reiki Master, Animal communication teacher, Prescott, AZ
“Words do not do justice to all that I learned. This workshop changed my life!” — Jen Nolan, Teacher, Cortland, NY
“Giving my clients a strategy and permission to quiet their minds and rebalance the sympathetic nervous system has been very beneficial to them and in our work together.” — Sue Dilsworth, PhD, RYT 200, LFYP, Allendale, MI
I absolutely love this stuff! I have been using it with my clients and I am just finding it to be so incredibly helpful. There seriously something for everything. Although I am not as skilled as I hope to be someday, even at my level of training I’m finding that I am beginning to figure out what to do. It just blows my mind! - Christine Brudnicki, MS, LPC
“I learned lots of ways to reduce the anxiety and depression of my patients and myself.” – Aviva Sinvany-Nubel, PhD, APN, CNSC, RN, psychotherapist, Bridgewater, N.J.
“Yoga Skills for Therapists is the ideal resource for those who want to bring yoga practices into psychotherapy or healthcare. Weintraub, a leader in the field of yoga therapy, offers evidence-based, easy-to-introduce strategies for managing anxiety, improving mood, and relieving suffering. Helpful clinical insights and case examples emphasize safety, trust, and skillful adaptation to the individual, making it easy to apply the wisdom of yoga effectively in the therapeutic context.” — Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author, Yoga for Pain Relief, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy
“I integrate strategies like mantra tones and pranayama, but above all I invite myself and those I teach to cultivate svadhyaya, to practice self-observation without judgment.” — Barbara Sherman, RYT 200, LFYP, Tucson, AZ
“This program changed my life in a significant way. It helped me connect with the spirit which is something you can’t get from psychotherapy and medication.” – G. W., artist, Pittsburgh, PA
“My life is already changed! I will use the tools I learned in my own practice and in my work. I feel safe and seen.” — Susan Andrea Weiner, MA, teacher/expressive arts facilitator, El Cerrito, CA.
“I gained tools for working with my own depression and with my clients’ depressions.” — Robert Sgona, LCSW, RYT, psychotherapist, Yoga teacher, Camden, ME.
“I have been reminded that I am not on this path alone, that others are sharing the journey that sometimes seems so difficult. I have also been reminded of the importance of daily practice and I will do that. The whole program has been an incredible experience for me. Thank you!” — Lorraine Plauth, retired teacher, Voorheesville, NY
“My personal practice will change, as well as my yoga classes. I have a better understanding of yoga!” — Andrea Gattuso, RYT, Yoga Teacher, Hackettstown, N.J.
“This workshop has changed so much — my self-image and my life. My own heart’s desire is 100% clear. I gained tools to help myself and others to live life fully.” — Marcia Siegel, Yoga teacher, therapist, Carlsbad, CA.
“This workshop helped me rededicate my energies and begin to work through some of the blocks I’ve felt creatively.” — Steve Mark, college professor, New Haven, CT
“I feel profoundly transformed, both physically and emotionally. The connection between mind, body and spirit was clearly evident to me, but revealed to me through this workshop as an integrally vital link to overall health.” — Nadine Richardson, program manager at rehab agency, Monroe, CT
“I have gained a softer heart, more receptive mind, and tools to enrich both personal and professional aspects of my life.” – Regina Trailweaver, LICSW, clinical social worker, Hancock, VT.
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