Dear Ones,
After teaching at Yogaville outside of Charlottesville, VA a couple of weeks ago, I went up to see the Lotus Conference Center, the mountain top ashram, we have rented for our level 2 training in April. It’s 9/10 of mile from the current ashram, and I was worried that it might be too far from the center of things. But it IS the center of things. It is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The vibration is very high. It was Swami Satchidananda’s first ashram, and the bonfire of his peace, the still pond of his love, is everywhere. We will have our own house, with plenty of sleeping rooms and bathrooms, a huge kitchen and dining room and a program room that overlooks the mountains and the lake. Sunrise sadhana will be exquisite. There is a path through the woods to the Lotus Temple, and it’s a 20 minute walk down for the noon meditation.
Even for a writer, Yogaville is hard to describe, but I know it is the perfect location for our Level 2 Training.
Level 2 continues training in the Yogic strategies for balancing mood, with more practice teaching. The emphasis here is working one-on-one and leading workshops. Level 2 will focus on developing skill levels in assessing, teaching and working with students and clients in groups and individually to facilitate and empower them to manage their moods with yogic principles, practices, and strategies.
In this course, you will actively lead, with script in hand, what you may only have experienced in Level 1. Ancient yogic practices will be considered in the light of current research in the field of yoga and mental health. There will be many opportunities to practice, in small groups and one-on-one, the many yogic strategies covered in both the Level 1 and 2 Trainings.
Each day begins with a deep LifeForce Yoga Practice led by Amy or Rose. We will have two daytime sessions, where each practitioner will share her or his use of LifeForce Yoga strategies in their work. You will dive more deeply into the techniques from Level 1 with a new manual that includes scripts for practices and processes – including Yoga Nidra, Therapeutic Long Holding and Say Yes to Yourself. Practitioners will experience one-on-one coaching from Amy and Rose. LFYP-2s will leave feeling empowered in their work with others and a many more tools at their disposal.
Your own personal practice will deepen. Each practitioner will walk away with a greater sense of connection, to Self, as well as to the sangha of LifeForce Yoga Practitioners. We hope that you will join us in May!
LFYP – 2 Forms for Mentoring
To take the Level 2 training, you will need to have completed 2 of your 3 mentoring sessions, however it is strongly recommended that you have completed all 3. Forms for mentoring sessions can be found here: yogafordepression.com/lfyp/#mentoring-forms
Please note, you will need login and password information:
- Login: Shiva
- Password: K=6[)svA4&QK