The Body Image Boutique
96 Allendale Road, Saddle River, NJ, United States
Led by Simi Fromen LifeForce Yoga is a yoga practice designed to manage the mood. Developed by Amy Weintraub, the practices are compassionate and create a big enough container to embrace and accept all dualities of mood. Whether you want to feel more energy, or wish to calm your mind and body, these classes will...
Wiawaka Center for Women
3778 Route 9L, Lake George, NY, United States
Join Allie Middleton JD LCSW E-RYT in a series of LifeForce Yoga for Emotional Fitness Classes that will be offered Monday – Friday, July 23-27, 2018. Classes are held from 9am-12noon (Excluding Wednesday, class will be held from 2-5pm) LifeForce Yoga was developed by Amy Weintraub, author of Yoga for Depression and the founder and director of...
October 1 - 30, 2018 FREE Are you looking for a way to balance your energy & your mood? Join us for a FREE 30 Day Challenge of Alternate Nostril Breath to balance your mind, your mood, and your energy. This technique has been shown to lower the blood pressure, calm the mind, tone the...
Positively Yoga
2831 Camino Del Rio S,, San Diego, CA, United States
The holiday season is upon us. It seems that once Halloween passes, life can feel like a pressure cooker, filled with social events, gift expectations, travel, and family gatherings. And yet, for others, the holiday season can be lonely and feel like something that only others are blessed with, while they sit out and watch...
450 W Goodwin, Prescott, AZ, United States
in Prescott, Arizona > Save These Dates < >>> Registration Opens Monday, Nov 19th <<< Uncover what's been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping you from feeling bliss. Develop...
LifeForce Yoga Nidra practice for sleep with Rose via Livestream on YouTube. This event is free - a part of our free livestream series on YouTube to beat the coronavirus...
Part three in our week long series of practices to cultivate relaxation and sleep. Join Rose as she leads chandra bhedana, a breathing practice to create peace, rest, and relaxation....
Join Rose for a gentle yoga practice via zoom. She will lead a practice that includes centering, sound, mindfulness, and relaxation. There is a suggested donation of $10 for this...
Part five in our series to cultivate peace, relaxation, and restful sleep via YouTube livestream. Rose leads a soothing and simple mantra practice to cultivate peace. This event is free...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga to calm, balance, and restore. Rose starts each practice by connecting with students, taking requests for poses and areas that need attention, and drawing a...
Do you want better sleep, improved focus, greater peace of mind, and optimum mental health? Meditation is a key component in living your best life. Even though it may seem like meditation is an impossible practice, it is really simple! Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides...
Do you want better sleep, improved focus, greater peace of mind, and optimum mental health? Meditation is a key component in living your best life. Even though it may seem like meditation is an impossible practice, it is really simple! Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides...
Do you want better sleep, improved focus, greater peace of mind, and optimum mental health? Meditation is a key component in living your best life. Even though it may seem like meditation is an impossible practice, it is really simple! Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides...
This meditation is intended for times when you are tired, depleted, or when your life force feels low. It is a time to give over to the instincts for healing, resting and nesting, so that you can deeply regenerate. Trust that relaxing fully will support your ability to engage with the world. This healing meditation...
The intention of this meditation is to honor and celebrate our inner and outer senses and our interconnectedness with the world. Every perception of sound, light, smell, touch and movement is an affirmation that we are alive and in a dance with the whole universe. This meditation is an opportunity to connect with the sensory...
The intention of a bhāvanā meditation is simple: select a quality of the life force that you want to experience and let yourself be immersed in it. We have a natural ability to sense what our body, mind and spirit needs. Bhāvanā meditation allows us to tap into that quality of being, so we can...
The intention of this meditation is to invite yourself into the space of the heart with tender attention and unconditional love. We can develop the ability and the courage to feel the full range of emotions, as they change continually. Practicing this meditation, we are inviting a closer relationship with our inner life. This heart-centered...
The intention of this meditation is to connect with the movement and flow of your breath. We can experience a surge of healing and peace when we invite the breath into it's natural rhythms, without forcing or expectation. We will start with very simple movements to release the spine before settling into a restorative position...
Yoga Nidra is an exquisite meditation technique that allows the body, mind, and spirit to move into states of deep healing. This practice is done lying down and even though you might feel like you are sleeping, really you are in a deep state of healing meditation. Suggested donation of $10 per class. Payment can...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga to calm, balance, and restore. Rose starts each practice by connecting with students, taking requests for poses and areas that need attention, and drawing a...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Focus: Hamstring Helper - releasing the hamstrings to open the knees and legs, helping us to move forward in life with more ease. Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga to calm,...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga to calm, balance, and restore. Rose starts each practice by connecting with students, taking requests for poses and areas that need attention, and drawing a...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga to calm, balance, and restore. Rose starts each practice by connecting with students, taking requests for poses and areas that need attention, and drawing a...
Practices to Awaken Your Inner Radiance Join Rose Kress, author of Awakening Your Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga, as she guides you through a gentle yoga practice using LifeForce Yoga and yoga therapy techniques to calm, balance, and restore. Rose starts each practice by connecting with students, taking requests for poses and areas that need...